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Cash 2021

Amidst the chaos of demonetization, down-on-luck Armaan finds a business opportunity in money laundering. Where will this shortcut take him?
7.3/10 IMDb
Comedy,Drama Cash is a comedy drama film directed by rishab seth. Here are the positives and negatives:- Performances-amol parashar is one actor we always look forward to. But but, in this film i found him a little odd. Sometimes going over the top as well. Smriti kalra too was decent nothing exceptional but she was damn hot. Kavin dave did a pretty good job. The supporting cast was bad to okayish. Background score and music-the background score is okay. But the music is pretty average except tera hua sung by arijit singh. That song was melodious with some exceptional lyrics as well. Writing-the writing was smart and very good. Its one of the great qualities of this film. It never makes you feel detached and disconnected. Comedy and satire-this is the strongest quality. There is no slapstick comedy but only situational and subtle comedy. And i must say the actors have pretty good comic timing. The satire portion was pretty good as well. The concept itself is satirical. Demonetisation is implemented and the characters are tricking others. Characters-the characters are hilarious. A character who enjoys pain and his dialogues are fun to watch. This character will surely make you laugh out loud. The other characters are also humorously written. This film did not create much hype but is one hilarious and interesting watch. You should watch this. I rate it 8 out of 10.